Greg Gibeling

By Greg Gibeling

About Me

Greg Gibeling profile picture

I'm a hardware & software architect. When I say full stack I'm not kidding: everything from transistors to copyright law. My job is curing cancer, coding is just a hobby.

Since 2013, I've worked as software architect and manager at first Bina Technologies later acquired by Roche Sequencing. Design, coding, testing, infrastructure, management, leadership, recruiting, copyright, etc. There's no end to what I've done, and no start to my talents.

For my artistic coding, see below, where you'll find a mix of the creative, practical and eye-ball-wateringly-complex. Despite their diversity, the rest of my hobbies have one thing in common: they don't involve computers. If you want to know more, we'll just have to meet off the internet.


  • Active projects
    • G2 Forge: Open source software and gateware, from standard libraries to the highly specialized projects which necessitated their development.
  • Past projects
    • EECS150: Components and Design Techniques for Digital Systems
    • GateLib: An extensive platform for gateware (FPGA) development.
    • ParaLearn: A massively parallel, scalable system for learning interaction networks on FPGAs.
    • RePar: Reconfigurable parallel computing research, including programming languages and high level synthesis.
